
Thread (@thewizardlucas)

One of the things that has made me the most productive in my career was to learn how to properly use a terminal. Today, I use it for amost everything. Last year, I went a post detailing the tools I was using at the time, and it went kinda viral: lucasfcosta.com/2019/02/10/ter…

A few things have changed in my stack since then, but, currently, here are the most important tools I've been using: Kitty (migrated from iTerm) (sw.kovidgoyal.net/kitty/) Tmux (github.com/tmux/tmux/wiki) Neovim (neovim.io) ZSH (zsh.org)

As far as Vim plugins go, I don't use many. The ones I think are the most useful are FZF (github.com/junegunn/fzf.v…) and ConquerOfCompletion (github.com/neoclide/coc.n…). Besides that, I try to keep my configs as vanilla as possible, so that I'm confortable in any environment

You can find my dotfiles with these configs at github.com/lucasfcosta/do…. These files have been wanting my attention for quite a while, and there's still an open PR with the 2020 configs on the repo: github.com/lucasfcosta/do…, which I'm yet to update and merge.