Rico Sta. Cruz

Rico Sta. Cruz

Feb 11, 2016 → Feb 15, 2016

@rstacruz week


hello there friends, this is Rico (@rstacruz), filling in for @jsunderhood for the next few days.

I do a lot of open source development (github.com/rstacruz). I don't speak Russian, but tweet to me in English and I'll get back to ya!

I'm off to rest, but lemme share: async/await is one of the few stage3 JS proposals. it'll be final this year. neat! tc39.github.io/ecmascript-asy…


Hmm... just helped a colleague out who had failing deploys with Node 5.x. It turns out he was using npm 3.3, which led to weird problems.

He had "cannot find module 'amdefine'" or something random like that. Turns out the only fix is to upgrade to latest npm!

So, yeah, I don't advise anyone to use versions npm@3.0.0 to npm@3.5.0... which comes bundled by default with node 5.5 and below.

eslint 2.0.0 is out and has a lot of new rules. eslint.org/blog/2016/02/e…


Interesting. Algorithmic trading ideas applied via JavaScript to... gambling. github.com/se1exin/split (not that I gamble, but interesting.)


I'm seeing a lot of discussions on "designers shouldn't learn how to code".

"You're an X person. You shouldn't learn Y." Nope. You're a human being. You should take every opportunity to learn new things.

I am donating all of my Node.js modules to the Node.js foundation, to go along with Express.
This is fantastic news for the future of server-side JavaScript. twitter.com/blipsofadoug/s…

In case you've missed it, Express .jsis now an incubating top-level project under the Node.js foundation. strongloop.com/strongblog/a-n…

What I find amazing here (thats not mentioned in news) is that many people have donated their modules for express. github.com/expressjs

Okay, that's all for me folks! @rstacruz signing off.
